Visit to Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary
Nature walks are a fun and easy way to bring your students outdoors, whether it’s on the school grounds or at a park or another local place of interest. One of the best things to do on a nature walk is to simply observe what nature has to offer. On Feb 20th, 2020, as part of the ISA project ' Migratory and endangering birds of India and China', the Middle School students of RPS International School Sec 50, Gurugram visited Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, Haryana, where numerous birds migrate every year . It was a beautiful day, sunny and pleasant. This trip was an endeavor to appreciate the creativity and thoughtful process of the students, motivating them to take the project forward to protect and safeguard the natural habitat of these creatures so that the beauty of the nature can be sustained forever. In the bird sanctuary, there were four towers located at different points to facilitate bird watching. The students appreciated the Edu...